Sunday, July 25, 2021


Evangelical Phillip Daniel Mills, Burns Down His Mother's House Killing His Brother Because They Didn't Follow The Bible..


Full beard 


Are the cops lying again?

Are the cops protecting Islam again?

Either way there really is no difference between Muslims and Evangelicals. 

Texas man, 40, 'set his house on fire, killing his brother, 54, and injuring his 82-year-old mother because they didn't follow the Bible' 

A Texas man is facing capital murder and arson charges after allegedly setting his house on fire Thursday night, killing his brother and gravely injuring his 82-year-old mother, according to El Paso police.Phillip Daniel Mills, 40, of El Paso, allegedly admitted to police that he set the fire at his Fandango Place residence to 'purge the home from evil' because his brother and mother didn't follow the Bible. According to an arrest affidavit, Mills doused his living room sofa in gasoline siphoned from a weed eater before igniting it with a lit cloth, KTSM reports. Once the sofa caught on fire, he walked outside the house and waited to see if his mother or brother would go outside but they didn't, the affidavit says. 'The defendant advised that he waited outside the residence with large rocks in his hands in the event that both his brother and mother had made it out the burning residence', a detective wrote in the report. Source

Thursday, July 8, 2021

How To Make It On The FBI Most Wanted List: Buy A LEGO United States Capitol Building

FBI - fucking morons

The FBI seized a "fully constructed" Lego set of the U.S. Capitol from the home of an alleged insurrectionist. Prosecutors detailed the finding in a court document for Robert Morss, who was arrested on June 11 at his home in Glenshaw, Pa. The government argued that Morss should be detained from court pending trial. According to the court filing dated July 2, law enforcement recovered clothing and other items from Morss’s home that match what he carried on Jan. 6. Among the items were a “'Don’t Tread on Me' flag, a neck gaiter, a military utility bag, a black tourniquet, and military fatigues.” In addition, “law enforcement also recovered a fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set,” prosecutors wrote. It’s unclear why Morss had the Lego set. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette previously reported that Morss was a substitute social studies teacher. Source

FBI is too busy to vet MUSLIM TERRORISTS entering this country....Remember these two?

Racist Black Destroys Asian Owned Liquor Store


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Fireworks In My Ass.....

Sodomites Of The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus Sing "We Are Coming For Your Children"

You think we’re sinful
You fight against our rights
You say we all lead live you can’t respect
But you’re just frightened
You think that we’ll corrupt your kids
If our agenda goes unchecked
Funny, just this once, you’re correct
We’ll convert your children
Happens bit by bit
Quietly and subtlely
And you will barely notice it
You can keep them from disco
Warn about San Francisco
Make ’em wear pleated pants
We don’t care…
We’ll convert your children…
We’ll make them tolerant and fair
Just like you worriеd
They’ll change their group of friеnds
You won’t approve of where they go at night
(to protests)
Oh, and you’ll be disgusted
(so gross)
When they start finding things online
That you’ve kept far from their sight
(like information…)
Guess what?
You’ll still be alright!
We’ll convert your children
Reaching one and all
There’s really no escaping it
’cause even grandma likes Rupaul
And the world’s getting kinder
Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr
Learn to love
Learn to vogue
Face your fate!
We’ll convert your children
Someone’s gotta teach them not to hate
We’re coming for them
We’re coming for your children
We’re coming for them
We’re coming for them
We’re coming for your children
For your children
You’re children will care about
Fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert
All their sisters and brothers
Then, soon, we’re almost certain
You’re kids will start convertin’ you!
The gay agenda is coming home
The gay agenda is here!
But you don’t have to worry
’cause there’s nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
But you don’t have to worry
’cause there’s nothing wrong with
Standing by our side
(The Gay Agenda)
Get on board in a hurry
Because the world always needs
A bit more pride
(The Gay Agenda)
Come on, try a little pride!
We’ll convert your children
Then we’ll turn to you
Giving up the fear inside
Is freeing like you never knew!
Go and see San Francisco!
Go and turn up that disco!
You’ll forget you were ever upset
We’ll convert your children
And make an ally of you yet!
We’ll make an ally of you yet!
We’ll make an ally of you yet!

BLM Chaos And Mayhem - Drifting, Fireworks, Chaos


Monday, July 5, 2021

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Rooftop Korean Gets Kicked In The Testicles By An ANTIFA Lady - He Serves Her Instant Justice

Saturday, July 3, 2021


Canadian Radio Personality & Pro-Abortion Activist Nesta Matthews, Calls For The Burning Down Of ALL Catholic Churches! "I'm Furious Over 751 Unmarked Graves But I Have No Problem With Aborting Babies"


Churches will be locked up or desecrated.  Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) 

Applauds women aborting their own babies but upset that 751 dead didn't have a grave marker.....

Did any of aborted babies have a grave marker or were they flushed down the toilet?

Go ahead and ask the witch - and where are all the aborted babies buried? 

Radio Host Says ‘Burn the Churches Down’ as More Church Fires Reported 

A Canadian radio personality called for the burning of churches, as news outlets have reported more Catholic and Anglican churches being burned in parts of the country, primarily on First Nations reserves. Radio host Nesta Matthews, who presents a morning programme for The Wave radio station in Saint John, New Brunswick, called for the burning of churches and for arrests in response to unmarked graves being found at Canadian residential schools on First Nations reserves. “215 broke my heart, 751 has me shattered & furious,” Matthews wrote in response to the 251 children said to have been discovered in Kamloops, British Columbia, and the 751 unmarked graves said to have been found in the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan. “Burn the churches down. Arrest any former staff that were actually there & any current staff that won’t provide documentation. Sell everything they own in Canada and give it to survivors. Dismantle it completely,” Matthews said. Source

And check this tweet out - She feels bad about eating a beautiful cake, but has no problem with

1. Burning down beautiful Catholic Churches
2. Aborting beautiful babies

No. the witch is more concerned about a cake.