Non-Baptised And Stained With Original Sin Causes Stupid And Boorish Behaviour Usually Ending In Bodily Injury Or Death Of Some Sort. Jews, Gentiles, Muslims, Heretics And Atheists Of All Sorts!
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Thursday, December 27, 2018
DEATH BY SELFIE! California Girl, 14, Dies After Accidentally Falling 700ft From Arizona's Horseshoe Bend Overlook
California girl, 14, dies after accidentally falling 700ft from Arizona's scenic Horseshoe Bend overlook - seven months after man, 33, died in the same popular selfie spot
Authorities say a California girl visiting an Arizona landmark has died from what appears to be an accidental fall.
Coconino County sheriff's officials said Wednesday that the body of the 14-year-old girl was found about 700 feet below Horseshoe Bend overlook.
She has not yet been named.
The girl's family reported her missing from the overlook Monday afternoon around 4pm, and an Arizona Department of Public Safety helicopter later spotted her body. Authorities weren't able to recover it until Tuesday morning. Source
SODOMITES American Bitcoin Trader Troy Woody Jr And MUSLIM Mir Islam Strangles Woody's Girlfriend Tomi Michelle Masters To Death Over Argument Returning to Indiana
American Bitcoin trader 'strangles his girlfriend to death in the Philippines and dumps her naked body in a river'
A well-known American Bitcoin trader has been arrested after allegedly murdering his girlfriend with a friend then dumping her naked body in a river. Troy Woody Jr., 21,- who has 250,000 followers - had been living with partner Tomi Michelle Masters, 23, and mutual friend Mir Islam, 22, in the Philippines.
But friends said the couple fell out earlier this month and Tomi made a desperate plea to return home to Indiana.Troy and Mir Islam later allegedly suffocated the graduate then wrapped her naked body in duct tape before stuffing it into a brown box.
The pair - who boast online about taking cocaine and spending vast sums on luxury goods - ordered a Grab taxi on a phone app then hurled the box into the Pasig River in Manila, Philippines, on December 23 in the early hours of the morning at 2.40am.
Both men returned to the taxi and continued to their destination, a large shopping mall called Robinsons Place. Source
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
WALMART Santa Elwyn Crocker Sr. Charged After Kids Are Found Buried In His Backyard...
Cause of death a mystery for kids found buried in South Georgia
As expected by authorities, autopsies have confirmed the identities of two children found buried in their family’s backyard in Effingham County, though many questions remain about the deaths, coroner David Exley said Monday.
“The cause and manner of death is still pending,” he said, adding it could take weeks. The trouble, he said, is partly that Mary Crocker and Elwyn Crocker Jr. had been buried so long ago — Mary for perhaps a few months, Elwyn for maybe as long as two years. The remains of the siblings, who were both 14 years old when they were last seen but hadn’t been reported missing, were discovered Thursday in the rural town of Guyton by the Effingham Sheriff’s Office.
Deputies went to the house after a tipster called 911 to express concern regarding the whereabouts of the girl. An interview with the father, Elwyn Crocker Sr., revealed information that sent deputies to check the backyard for the bodies. Source
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT III ~ Luis de la Puente
THE XVII. MEDITATION Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
The third, and principal point is, to consider the marvelous greatness of that divine child, laid in the manger. Pondering the dignity of his person; the words that he spake in his heart; the works that he did; and the things that he suffered: and for whom; and how: and the heroic virtues that he there did exercise. All this I am to ponder, as the most sacred Virgin did ponder it, in this form.
1. First, I will behold the person of that child, making a comparison between what he is, as he is almighty God, and between what he is there, as he is man; with an affection of admiration, and love the greatest that I am able: pondering how this child is that God of majesty, whose seat id heaven, whose throw are the Cherubins, and whose servants the Hierarchies of Angels are, being in the maddest of them, as an Emperor, whom all do adore, and to whom all acknowledge subjection. And on the other side, he is laid in, a manger in the maddest between two dull and lumpish beasts: And he that is the word of the eternal Father, by whom he created all things, and who sustaineth them with his power, is become a child not yet able to speak, his hands and feet being swathed , and he not able to stir. And he whose vesture is the infinite light of the Deity, being the brightness of the glory of his Father: he who clothe his creatures with beauty, and with a liberal hand giveth them sustenance for the conservation of their life: he, even he, is wrapped up in poor mantles, and rags, and hath need to be sustained with the milk of his mother.
O most excellent, and most humbled babe, and in all venerable, and amiable in all: yet, quango pro me vilior, tango mini carrier, the more thou art despised for me, the more worthy thou art to be loved: and the more thou art humbled, the more to be exalted: for in thy humiliations, thou demostratest the greatness of thy incomprehensible charity. O that I could love thee, as thou deservest: o that I could debase, and humble myself, as I deserve to be: for to debase me with myself, were to magnify me with thee. How is it (o my soul) that thou art not confounded to see this person so great, and yet so humbled: and to see thy own person so vile, and yet so proud! Learn of this Child to humble thyself: for he that with him shall humble himself on earth, shall by him be magnified, and exalted in heaven.
2. Secondly, I will ponder the words this child might speak, not with the tongue, but with the spirit: not with voice, but with examples. To his eternal Father, he might speak, giving him thanks; because that hour has come, and that it was his pleasure to have him laid in that manger, offering unto him with great love all the afflictions that he was to suffer in the world, and again saying unto him, that which the Apostle pondereth he might say in entering into the world, he added: Behold me here (o Lord) I am come to accomplish thy will. To men he spake likewise, and cried out totem with his examples, speaking that from the manger, which he afterwards spake while he preached: Learn of me, for I am meek, and humble of heart: and unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into he kingdom of heaven: and whosoever shall humble himself as this child, he shall be greater in the kingdom of heaven. These, & other like words he is there preaching by his example,which I am to hearken unto with great devotion, beseeching him to open the ears of my heart, that I may understand this language, and put it in practice.
O sovereign child, that even from this manger art inviting me to become a child, and wast always so great a lover of little children, that thiu didst lovingly embrace them: make me like thee, a child in innocency, a little one in humility, an infant in silence, and tender in charity. In these four things consisteth the making ourselves children, to become great in the eyes of almighty God.
3.Then will I contemplate the works that he doth: wherein there is one marvelous thing to consider: for being a man as perfect in judgment as when he was thirty years old, he did all the actions, gestures, and semblances of a child, not counterfeited, nor gained, but really, and truly, as other children do, with an admirable harmony, for him that knoweth how to ponder the connection of these two things together. In particular I will now ponder that weeping of the child, and the cause of his tears: he weepeth not so much for grief of what he suffereth (as other children do) as for that which we suffer by our sins, lovingly be wailing them; and with those tears joining interiorly most zealous prayers to the eternal Father, doing that St. Paul said of him: That in the days of his flesh, he offered prayers, and supplications to god with great clamor, and tears. And it is to be believed, that the blessed Virgin wept, seeing her Son weep, & considering the causes wherefore he wept.
O sweet JESUS, why laments thou so bitterly my miseries, forgetful of thine now! O my soul why weepst thou not, seeing this child weep, that so wept for thee? Weep thou for compassion to see him weep: weep because thou art the cause of his weeping, and weep for thy sins that afflict his heart: and if this make thee not weep, then weep because thou art so hard hearted that thou canst not weep, having so much reason to shed abundance of tears. O most sacred Virgin, obtain for me the gift of tears, if it be but to accompany thee with them, to comfort thy Son, who is comforted to see us weep, and said:
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
O sweet JESUS, why laments thou so bitterly my miseries, forgetful of thine now! O my soul why weepst thou not, seeing this child weep, that so wept for thee? Weep thou for compassion to see him weep: weep because thou art the cause of his weeping, and weep for thy sins that afflict his heart: and if this make thee not weep, then weep because thou art so hard hearted that thou canst not weep, having so much reason to shed abundance of tears. O most sacred Virgin, obtain for me the gift of tears, if it be but to accompany thee with them, to comfort thy Son, who is comforted to see us weep, and said:
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
4. Lastly, I will contemplate what things this child suffereth: which are, poverty, contempt, cold, and dolor, with other incommodities, all which he suffereth not forcible, nor of necessity but willingly, and pleasingly: for as he is God, and man perfect in judgment, he taketh choice of all that he suffereth. He chose to be born in the most rigorous time of the winter, in the coldest hour of midnight; in the most vile, and contemptible stable of all the city; with the greatest property, contempt, and forgetfulness of men that was possible: and all with such a mask of humility, that being voluntary, it seemed forced, and consequently most vile, and contemptible. Finally, from the manger (as he himself saith in one of the Psalms) he took forces inseparable companions even until death, poverty, contempt, dolours, and afflictions, electing such a manner of life contrary to that of the world, to discover by his example the deceits, and errors of wordings that follow the same. For as St. Bernard sayeth: It is a matter very evident that the world erreth, choosing for his companions, riches, honors, and delicacies, when as Christ the infinite wisdom, who can neither deceive himself, nor beguile us, chooseth the contrary. With this consideration, I am to confound myself in the presence of this most blessed babe, seeing how contrarily I have lived to that, which he teacheth, purposing to imitate him from hence forward, choosing to suffer what he suffereth, and beseeching him to make worthy to suffer with him, and like him, not of necessity, but gladly, & willingly for his love.
O sovereign child, who like another David, art the wisest prince among three: for of the three divine persons thou art the second, to whom wisdom is attributed: what doest thou seated here in this chair of the manger, being silent, without speaking unto us? thou art the most tender little worm of the wood, that violently killest eight hundred: for with the contempt, and humiliation that thou hast in the worm-eaten wood of thy poor harbor, thou killest with the violence of thy divine love, the innumerable violences of the love of the world. O most wise, and most valiant prince which silently instructs, and silently killest, teach me to follow with silence thy contempts, and kill in my heart worldly affections, that making myself a worm in imitation of thee, I may merit to ascend to behold thee in the throne of thy glory, Amen.
Luis de la Puente
MEDITATION ON The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem POINT II ~ Luis de la Puente
MEDITATION Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
MEDITATION Of The Birth Of Our Savior Christ In A Stable In Bethlehem
1. Secondly, I am to consider what the blessed Virgin did, when by those jubilees she knew that the hour of her delivery was come, pondering her affections, her actions, and her words. For recollecting herself in a corner of the stable, and settled in a very high contemplation, she brought forth her only begotten Son, and forth she took him in her arms. O what content, and joy received she at that first view, not staying upon the outward beauty of the body, but passing to the beauty of the soul, and of the Deity! On the one side she embraced him and kissed him lovingly as her Son: and on the other side she shrunk back, and humbly retired, considering that he was almighty God: for with these two arms God desert to be embraced; with charity, and humility; with love, and reverence: and the like am I to do spiritually, taking him as it were in my arms, loving him, and reverencing him, approaching to him with love, and retiring myself with humility.
2.This done the Virgin swathed her Son in such swathing clothes, and mantles as she had prepared, and with an affection of humility she laid him in a manger, esteeming herself unworthily to hold him in her arms: and falling on her knees she adored him as her God, and her Lord, and very lovingly she spake unto him, for she was assured that he understood her. She humbly thanked him for the great favors he had done to mankind, coming to redeem him. She likewise gave him thanks for having taken her for his mother, without any merits of hers: and there she offered to serve him with body, and soul, and with all her forces, employing them all in his holy service: And all this she uttered with such loving words, and tender affections, as they are rather to be imagined then possible to be explicated. The like did St. Joseph, adoring the child, humbly thanking him for taking him for his foster father, acknowledging it for a great favor, and offering himself truly, and really to serve him. The like am I to do, accompanying these Saints in hearty thankfulness, offering unto him my body, and soul, and all my faculties.
O most sweet, and most sovereign Lord, what thanks may I give thee, for this great favor thou hast done me, in coming to redeem me, as a child and in so extreme poverty? O that I might have been present at that time to serve thee in thine infancy! I here present myself in spirit before thy divine majesty, and I offer unto thee all that I am, or may be able to be, to employees it wholly, in thy service: accept (o Lord) this my good will, and give me thy grace to effect it, Amen.
Luis de la Puente
TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista
And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were accomplished, that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about them; and they feared with a great fear. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people:For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will. And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath shewed to us. And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child. And all that heard, wondered; and at those things that were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Lk.
From all of us at dxv515, we wish you a Merry, blessed, and grace-filled Christmas and God’s abundant blessings in the new year!
Monday, December 17, 2018
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
Lets Test The Google App “Smart Pakem” For Muslims To Report People Who Commit Blasphemy By Posting Dante Alighieri's Inferno Canto XXVIII Placing The Prophet Mohammed In HELL...
No barrel, even though it's lost a hoop
or end- piece, ever gapes as one whom I
saw ripped right from his chin to where we fart:
his bowels hung between his legs, one saw
his vitals and the miserable sack
that makes of what we swallow excrement.
While I was all intent on watching him,
he looked at me, and with his hands he spread
his chest and said: "See how I split myself!
See now how maimed Mohammed is! And he
who walks and weeps before me is Ali,
whose face is opened wide from chin to forelock.
And all the others here whom you can see
were, when alive, the sowers of dissension
and scandal, and for this they now are split.
Behind us here, a devil decks us out
so cruelly, re-placing every one
of this throng underneath the sword edge when
we've made our way around the road of pain,
because our wounds have closed again before
we have returned to meet his blade once more.
But who are you who dawdle on this ridge,
perhaps to slow your going to the verdict
that was pronounced on your self-accusations?
"Death has not reached him yet," my master answered,
"nor is it guilt that summons him to torment;
but that he may gain full experience,
I, who am dead, must guide him here below,
to circle after circle, throughout Hell:
this is as true as that I speak to you."
More than a hundred, when they heard him, stopped
within the ditch and turned to look at me,
forgetful of their torture, wondering.
"Then you, who will perhaps soon see the sun,
tell Fra Dolcino to provide himself
with food, if he has no desire to join me
here quickly, lest when snow besieges him,
it bring the Novarese the victory
that otherwise they would not find too easy."
When he had raised his heel, as if to go,
Mohammed said these words to me, and then
he set it on the ground and off he went.
Inferno Canto XXVIII
or end- piece, ever gapes as one whom I
saw ripped right from his chin to where we fart:
his bowels hung between his legs, one saw
his vitals and the miserable sack
that makes of what we swallow excrement.
While I was all intent on watching him,
he looked at me, and with his hands he spread
his chest and said: "See how I split myself!
See now how maimed Mohammed is! And he
who walks and weeps before me is Ali,
whose face is opened wide from chin to forelock.
And all the others here whom you can see
were, when alive, the sowers of dissension
and scandal, and for this they now are split.
Behind us here, a devil decks us out
so cruelly, re-placing every one
of this throng underneath the sword edge when
we've made our way around the road of pain,
because our wounds have closed again before
we have returned to meet his blade once more.
But who are you who dawdle on this ridge,
perhaps to slow your going to the verdict
that was pronounced on your self-accusations?
"Death has not reached him yet," my master answered,
"nor is it guilt that summons him to torment;
but that he may gain full experience,
I, who am dead, must guide him here below,
to circle after circle, throughout Hell:
this is as true as that I speak to you."
More than a hundred, when they heard him, stopped
within the ditch and turned to look at me,
forgetful of their torture, wondering.
"Then you, who will perhaps soon see the sun,
tell Fra Dolcino to provide himself
with food, if he has no desire to join me
here quickly, lest when snow besieges him,
it bring the Novarese the victory
that otherwise they would not find too easy."
When he had raised his heel, as if to go,
Mohammed said these words to me, and then
he set it on the ground and off he went.
Inferno Canto XXVIII
Google Approves App For Muslims To Report People Who Commit Blasphemy
A new Android app has launched with the focus of allowing Muslims to report individuals who commit blasphemy, or insult Islam. No, this is not a joke. The app, “Smart Pakem”, which launched in Indonesia last month at the request of the Indonesian government, will allow users and government officials to uphold Sharia law and target and report people who hold “misguided” beliefs in violation of Islamic law, which forbids insults of Islam, insults against the Prophet Mohammed, or the recognition of any other religion besides Islam. ShareTweet A new Android app has launched with the focus of allowing Muslims to report individuals who commit blasphemy, or insult Islam. No, this is not a joke. The app, “Smart Pakem”, which launched in Indonesia last month at the request of the Indonesian government, will allow users and government officials to uphold Sharia law and target and report people who hold “misguided” beliefs in violation of Islamic law, which forbids insults of Islam, insults against the Prophet Mohammed, or the recognition of any other religion besides Islam. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, with an estimated Muslim population of 207 million. Indonesia’s criminal code prohibits blasphemy, which is defined as “the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things”. Source
Thursday, December 13, 2018
ATHEIST Fox TV Meteorologist Jessica Star Commits Suicide During Advent.....
Detroit meteorologist Jessica Starr dies by suicide
DETROIT - A Detroit news station is mourning the loss of one of its meteorologists.
WJBK reported that one of its own, Jessica Starr, died of suicide Wednesday night. She was 35, according to The Detroit News, citing public records. “Our hearts are broken. Last night we were informed our Jessica Starr took her life,” anchor Amy Andrews said Thursday morning on Twitter. “Her Fox 2 family is deep shock and cannot believe such a wonderful, bright and intelligent woman is gone. Keep her family in your prayers in the coming days as we all deal with our grief.” Source
Sins Of Gluttony #75: Obesity Rate at All-Time High...
Our Nation’s Health: Obesity Rate at All-Time High
MINNETONKA, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec 12, 2018--The nation’s obesity rate has reached the highest-ever level this year, according to the United Health Foundation’s 2018 . Obesity is a leading contributor to cardiovascular disease, cancer and other conditions. Additionally, an increase in drug deaths, suicides and cardiovascular disease deaths is contributing to an increase in premature death.
In its 29 th year, the America’s Health Rankings Annual Report also reveals bright spots, including the reduced rate of childhood poverty and an increased number of mental health providers and primary care physicians per 100,000 people. Key findings include:
Obesity Prevalence Reaches All-Time High; Premature Deaths Continue to Increase Source
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Sins of Gluttony #74: ATHEIST Cameron Lewis Baun, 29, Sets Fire To Christmas Decorations In Suburban Charleston Neighborhood.......
SC man goes on Christmas decoration burning spree, police say
A Summerville man is charged with arson after police said he burned down the Christmas decorations suburban Charleston neighborhood, according to a report by WCSC.
Authorities arrested Cameron Lewis Baun, 29, after receiving a call Friday afternoon about a person setting fire to the property of multiple neighbors in the Arbor Walk community in Summerville.
Police said Baun lit up a snowman decoration that was in the front yard of a home, WCSC reported. Baun was detained for burning Christmas decor at another home when officers arrived, police said.
Summerville Fire Rescue was also attempting to put out a house fire that Baun allegedly set, according Summerville police. Source
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Sins Of Gluttony #72: 293lb Woman Admits Murdering Boyfriend By Smothering Him With Her Stomach Fat
133 kilogram US woman admits murdering boyfriend by smothering him with her stomach fat
A 133 kilogram US woman murdered her boyfriend by smothering him with her stomach during a row, a court heard. Windi Thomas pleaded guilty to the third-degree murder of Keeno Butler, who died from suffocation. Thomas, 44, also hit Mr Butler with a table leg during the fight, a court in Pennsylvania was told. She then lay on top of her boyfriend, who weighed around nine stone, and used her stomach to prevent him from breathing, Jet 24 reports.Lawyer Mark Del Duca added that it was not her intention to kill her partner. He added: “The actual cause of death is she collapsed on him and he basically died of suffocation."She claimed to have woken later and realised what she had done and called police herself. Prosecutors say she had also stabbed him in the hand and head and beat him severely in the head with the table leg. Thomas will be sentenced on December 21. SourceMonday, December 3, 2018
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