Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pittman Park United Methodist Church YOUTH Minister Tommy Callaway Caught Slapping The Butt Of WSAV-TV Anchor Alex Bozarjian,

Runner who slapped reporter’s butt on live TV identified as youth minister 

The runner who slapped a TV reporter’s behind is a local youth minister who claims he wants to “correct the situation” — while the journalist on the receiving end of his hand says he “hurt me, both physically and emotionally.” Tommy Callaway was identified as the Savannah, Ga., 10K racer who slapped WSAV-TV anchor Alex Bozarjian, after online sleuths found him thanks to his race number shown in other photos. Callaway is a youth group leader at his church, Pittman Park UMC, as well as a Boy Scout leader, according to Heavy, based on social media sites that he quickly took down as he was outed and banned from future races. His lawyer, Joseph Turner, called him a “loving husband and father who is very active in his community” and local church, insisting he was “working with those involved to correct the situation.” Source

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