Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Anatomy of the Antichrist? The 500 Year Old Joke Is On The Protestants! Lutherans Elect First Transgender 'Man-Woman' Bishop! LOL!

The Pope?
Lutherans First Transgender 'Man-Woman' Bishop!


FU Protestants.....

Megan Rohrer Elected As 1st Openly Transgender Bishop In U.S. Lutheran Church 

The Rev. Megan Rohrer has been elected as a bishop in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, becoming the first openly transgender person in the U.S. to do so in a major Christian denomination. Rohrer will serve as bishop of the Sacramento-based Sierra Pacific synod, which encompasses close to 200 congregations in Central and Northern California and northern Nevada. "I am humbled and honored, and aware that this call is bigger than me," Rohrer said in a speech after the ballots were counted on Saturday. "My hope is that your grandkids will call you, and your kids will call you, and your friends will call you, and ask you about your faith. And when they call, tell them how much you love Jesus and why Jesus' faith in you meant why you could have faith in me." Source

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